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Sunday, September 2, 2018

7 Sleeps and Get Ups until BARK for ARC September 9, 2018

Bark for ARC volunteers:  Noel Murray, Helen Tilston, Cecilia Fitzgerald, Sinead Kane, Tina O'Driscoll, Pat Daly (Nobber) Sevvy, Andrea Cunningham and Dusty - Youghal.
Planning meeting, in the mist, allowed us to inspect our Shetland pony, Dusty and introduce our planing committee to Sinead Kane, who ran seven marathons, in seven days on seven continents. 

Bark for ARC fundraising walk takes place, Sunday, September 9th., commencing at Green Park, opposite Walter Raleigh Hotel at 2.00 p.m. Registration from 12.00 noon.   Ten Euros. You may walk with or without a dog.

The walk commences at Green Park, travel past Youghal's iconic Lighthouse

The route follows, the promenade, along the boardwalk to Aura Centre where the dog walk returns then back along the same route to Green Park for fun, photos and prizes.
 Fota Island Resort  have generously given us a prize for two persons for 1 night B&B.  Two afternoon teas at Fota Island Resort and large hamper from Maxi Zoo. Each dog will receive a gift bag, compliments of Maxi Zoo.   We are very grateful to Maxi Zoo, Fota Island and all who have given us prizes.

Prizes will be awarded for the best "Facebook Selfie" posted to our Bark for ARC page on the day.  Thank you Isaac for posing for us.

Chloe Dempsey, Queen of the Sea 2018 we thank you for your presence and your wonderful sense of humour. when Dusty welcomed you.

Thank you CRY Radio and Noel Cronin for inviting us to speak on radio - Cecilia Fitzgerald, Helen Tilston, Ita Beecher and Tina O'Driscoll
Thanks to volunteers: Isaac, Helen Tilston, Ger Doherty, Chloe Dempsey, Mary Daly, Cecilia Fitzgerald, Dusty and Pat Daly (Nobber) for giving of your time and talents in planning Bark for ARC 

Should you wish to pick up a Sponsorship Card, please do so at Coleman's Butchers, Strand, Tom Scotts on Main Street, Maria O'Connor, Main Street, Sinead at For Mutt's Sake,  Deirdre at Just for Paws.

The entire proceeds benefit our Cancer Support House at 29 Friar Street, Youghal, where a warm friendly and professional welcome is given to all affected by cancer.   All services are free of charge and this Centre serves East Cork and West Waterford.   

Tina O'Driscoll Founder of Bark for ARC.with Majella O'Donnell at the official opening of our cancer support house in Youghal, August 2018.
Ciara McCrann Co-Founder of Bark for ARC, Majella O'Donnell, & Ciara's mother, Marie O'Mahony, at opening of Cancer Support House two week ago.
Cork ARC Volunteers, Helen Coen, Noreen Keneally, Tina O'Driscoll and Helen Tilston on a borrowed tractor

We thank our volunteers and supporters one hundred thousand times.  It is through your hard work, friendship and dedication that we are making this happen.   You are the best.

Let the fun begin, see you on September 9th, 2018 at Green Park registration from 12.00 noon. Walk commences at 2.00 p.m.

We are working on having even more surprises for you.

Friday, August 10, 2018

Bark for ARC Launch 2018

Youghal Strand was the scene for several of the dogs who will be participating in Bark For ARC on September 9th.  This much awaited Event expects an even larger pack of dogs this year.

Sinead Kane, Youghal, holder of two Guinness World Records and who has also run seven marathons in seven days in seven continents, with Molly and Cullen launching the Bark for ARC
fundraising dog walk which will be held on the 9th of September in aid of Cork ARC Cancer Support Centre in Youghal. The fun dog walk will start at 2:00pm in The Greenpark, Youghal, and all are welcome even if you do not have a dog. Come as you are.  All are heartily welcome.

Special thanks to Sharon Coleman for sewing so many beautiful bandanas that will be sported by the dogs on September 9th.

Bark for ARC Volunteers Noreen Keneally, Evet Victor  bandana maker (thanks so much Evet they are beautiful) and Bark for Arc 
founder, Tina O'Driscoll

Thank you, Thank You and Thank you to our co-founder of Bark for ARC Ciara McCrann, who spends endless hours of her personal time volunteering and steering Bark for ARC, pictured here with Anthony O'Droscoll and Noel Murray.
Anthony O'Driscoll, Noel Murray and Ciara McCrann

Volunteers with hearts of gold Special thanks to our Town Crier, Cliff Windsor for joining us.

More marvellous volunteers

Ita Beecher assisting Tina O'Driscoll  in Press interview
Stella O'Driscoll and Molly

Our Special volunteers

I am ready to Bark for ARC on September 9th..
Thank you Francis and Liz for registering Alfie & Willow for Bark for Arc walk.
Many thanks Deirdre Plante, Just For Paws, for grooming our lead Irish Wolfehound , Cullen, owned by Susan Daly

Marie O'Connor thank you for grooming our hard working dogs
Tina O Driscoll, Marie O'Connor and family and Ceceilia Fittzgerald

Mr & Mrs Jim Daly have signed up to walk

Sinead from For Mutts Sake Grooming, thank you for grooming our doggies.

Extraordinary volunteers

Kevin O'Driscoll with Sinead Kane & Youghal Town Crier, Cliff Windsor
And more hardworking volunteers
Extraordinary volunteers

The Tutty Family, Sinead Kane, Tina O'Driscoll and Noel Murray

Sponsorship cards are available at Coleman Butchers in the Strand Youghal.

Your support is very much appreciated.

All proceeds benefit Cork ARC Cancer Support House at 29 Friar Street, Youghal, where all services are complimentary.

For sponsorship cards you may also contact Maryville Kennels, Youghal.  Tel. 087 912 7012

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Forty Two Days until BARK FOR ARC -SEPTEMBER 9 2018

Hello Friends:

It is 43 days until BARK FOR ARC WALK commencing at Green Park, at 2.p.m. September 9th.

The response this year has been tremendous with new doggies joining in the walk and also many are walking, without a dog, for BARK FOR ARC.

Just today, I saw some dog owners walking the route and familiarizing their dogs with all the spectacular scenery they will walk past.

We invite you to pick up a sponsorship card, which are hot off the press.   Please contact us and we will be happy to deliver one to you.   

Here are some of the beautiful dogs you will meet on September 9th.

All shapes, all sizes but one common denominator all have hearts of love and will be Bark(ing) for ARC.

Looking forward to welcoming all of you and let's make this one of the best Bark for ARC's .

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Youghal - Bark For ARC - September 9, 2018 Save the date

Davey Russell, with dogs who lead the walk
It began, like all great causes, during a conversation between Anthony O'Driscoll and Tina O'Driscoll.  Tina O'Driscoll proprietor of Maryville Kennels, is often  referred to as the "Dog Whisperer" Anthony jokingly said:  "Tina go on;  organize a walk and call it Bark for ARC"
After much persuasion, Tina consented providing she could have the support of her dear friend Ciara McCrann and other close friends whom you will meet as we go along.  Brochures were printed and sponsorship cards promptly printed and the labour of love began. Press Releases were written and local celebrities stepped in to support.   Our own famous jockey who hails from Youghal, Davey Russell agreed to launch Bark for ARC.    The inauguration walk was held in August 2017.  It was a resounding success with more than 200 dogs and their owners participating.  Over Euros 8,000. was raised and the entire proceeds supported 
ARC Cancer Support House, located at  29 Friar Street in Youghal which  opened one year ago, serving the residents of East Cork and West Waterford.  Currently the house is open on Wednesday.  

Tina O'Driscoll and Ciara McCrann walked miles putting up posters.

Tina O'Driscoll and Waterford hurler and Helen Tilston all turned out for practice.

Our Oncology Nurse Clair O'Neill, Gerry Murray CRY Radio and Tina O'Driscoll on day of walk

Susan Daly and her Irish Wolfehound who lead the walk & Tina O'Driscoll.

Bark for ARC's annual walk is just two months away.

With or without a dog all are welcome.

Please join us at Green Park, Youghal on September 9th at 2.00 p.m.   

The entire proceeds benefit Cork ARC Cancer Support House, Youghal, Co Cork.

Susan Daly, Irish Wolfehound and Tina O'Driscoll